77 Questions
HD video

The work was exhibited at the 56th October Salon, The Pleasure of Love.

The concept of the work 77 Questions is to introduce the viewer to the state of an existential observation of reality and the emotions that shape it, through the simple method of questions and answers.

Gradually creating a high emotional charge, the work reconsiders the position and ethics of artist in today’s society, but also the position of man in general in relation to the infrastructure thus created.

As the basis of the structure, the video uses found footage, public domain, audio generators, polygraph interrogation methods and similar artificial elements. The combination of these elements creates an atmosphere of deep isolation and discomfort, with the aim to ask questions about the hypocrisy, narcissism and a lack of emotion in the world (of art), defined by competitiveness and by capitalism.

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, the October Salon Collection and the artist
Purchase Contract: III-5-455/14.11.2018.
Inventory No. 1623
Photo: still from the video work


Siniša Radulović (1983, Podgorica, Montenegro) graduated and obtained his master’s degree in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Albania, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, Macedonia, Italy, Russia and Bulgaria. He won the Award for Painting at the 33rd Montenegrin Art Salon and the Award for Video Art at the 38th Montenegrin Art Salon. In 2017 he won Milčik – awarded to the best young visual artists in Montenegro. More information at www.sinisa.me