550 cm х 200 cm x 0,3 cm

Mountain is a spatial wire drawing made on the basis of the artist’s photograph of Durmitor. The process involves analyzing the selected photograph by disciplined linear drawing.

The work Mountain was awarded at the 57th October Salon, The Marvellous Cacophony.

Elegant and sophisticated, ephemeral and insightful, the work depicts sharp and fragile forms that are able to penetrate consistently into the real world and scenes from everyday life, like landscapes. The work is poetic, beyond fashion, and contrary to what most young artists do today – politically correct works.

From the citation of the 57th October Salon Jury

The relationship between drawing, space and documentary photography that this work establishes, represents a stage in the context of the author’s years-long art and research practice. (…) As one of the possible sources of her media research, in her recent works – including this one – Nina has begun to examine individual items from her photo-diaries through her specific “wire drawings”. Metal wire, although difficult to shape, gets the precision of the drawn line in Nina’s meticulous processing. (…)

By the illusion of volume, created by overlapping of the wire andits shadow, this object transposes the proximity of the mountain massif.
Jovana Vasić, the catalogue of 57th October Salon

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, October Salon Collection and the artist
Purchase Contract: III-5-367/24.10.2019.
Inventory No. 1659
Photo: Courtesy of the artist, Milan Kralj, installation view 57th October Salon

Selected Bibliography:
57th October Salon, The Marvellous Cacophony. Cultural Centre of Belgrade, 2018
Nina Ivanović, June 6-30, 2019, text by Marija Stanković, Catalogue of Nina Ivanović’s solo exhibition, Rima Gallery, Kragujevac, 2019


Nina Ivanović (1986, Belgrade, Serbia) graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Painting Department, in 2010. In her work, she deals with everyday situations through various media such as drawing, photography and wire installation. She was a member of nKA/ICA (Independent Cultural Association) from 2006 to 2010; and in 2012, together with six other artists, founded the U10 Art Space, and has run it since. She is a winner of two awards for drawing – from the Faculty of Fine Arts, in 2009, and from the Vladimir Veličković Fund (First Prize), in 2014 – and participated in artist-in-residence programmes in Belgium (Glo’Art) and Basel (Kuckucks Nest). More information at