3D and 2D animation of humanoids

The a|symmetry animation developed from a single movement of a virtual arm that sensually and inquisitively touches the void of virtual space. After multiple multiplication, this isolated movement is no longer recognized as a single element but forms one picture. Rotation, symmetry and gradual delay of the movement generate an abstract form that associates with the organic structure and assumes the qualities of symbols like mandala or some kind of revived pulsating universe. By multiplying, every slightest twitch of the finger gets a dramatic impulse and velocity in the final composite form.

This kind of generating the picture in a|symmetry was chosen with the intention to metaphorically present the idea of creating a system of meaning. Each individual and isolated situation, after multiple observations, refractions – “mirroring” like a kaleidoscope, forms a centric and stable picture. The resulting “big picture”, created by an individual unpretentious humanoid movement, points to the message of unity, tenderness, love, human sensuality and imperfection (a-symmetry) that make us unique. In her procedure, the work process itself plays a significant role, and the end result depends on it, as well as on the management and manipulation of individual segments of that process. Interdisciplinary research of this artist requires knowledge in various fields of art, science and technology, such as painting, sculpture, graphic design, film language, anatomy, psychology, the laws of physics, programming, command of software, etc.

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, October Salon Collection and the artist
Purchase Contract: III-5-376/16.11.2016.
Inventory No. 1453
Photo: still from the video work

Selected Bibliography:
Nataša Teofilović: Distance [1995–2016], 6 – 22. 05. 2016, Exhibition Catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, 2015
Nataša Teofilović, Umetnost pokreta u prostoru praznine (tehnologija i praksa virtuelnih karaktera), Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade University, Belgrade, 2011
Sanja Kojić Mladenov, Skok i zaron: diskursi o rodu u umetnosti: konstrukcija profesionalnog identiteta umetnica u oblasti novih medija u Vojvodini krajem 20. i početkom 21. veka, Belgrade, 2020


Nataša Teofilović (1968, Pančevo, Serbia) is an artist who explores manifestation and identity of the female and the sensual in the virtual space through new media and computer art. Her work has ranged from neo-conceptual art in the early 90s to digital art of the new century, which combines art, science and technology. As for her technique, she works in various media – from experimental video and performance to 3D character animation and digital ambiances. Her digital works can be described as interdisciplinary, hybrid and interactive art. She has contributed to education in and understanding of digital art, especially 3D animation, with her doctoral work, the first doctoral thesis in Serbia in the field of digital animation. She has had numerous solo exhibitions and participated in many group ones, in the country and abroad, of which the following stand out: Ars Electronica (Austria, 2007), Incheon International Digital Art Festival 2009 (Korea, 2009), DAT – Digital Art & Technology (Singapore, 2007), KIBLIX 2014 – Parallels (Slovenia, 2014), Premonition, Blood, Hope – Art in Vojvodina and Serbia from 1914 to 2014 (Austria, 2014), Cargo East, The Subdued Existence: Serbian Contemporary Art Scene (Taiwan, 2014; B&H; Slovakia, 2015). More information at https://vimeo.com/user5395533