wood, terracotta
120 cm x 25 cm x 20 cm

It is an educational sculpture, patented as a solution to all the verbal shortcomings of an optimistic parent, who believes that art cannot change the world, but can help raise playful sons.

Since 2003, Marko Crnobrnja has made educational sculptures intended primarily for his own children and, initially, for him himself, so that he – with the (in)experience of a young parent and also a young sculptor – could master and, at the same time, reconcile the two serious roles in which he found himself. Over the years, his work has taken a specific authentic form – his sculptures have become educational tools, but also an autonomous artistic expression, a meeting place of two practices / two strategies (artistic and parental), but also a methodologically developed system of meaning and marking. With the work Accreditation, Crnobrnja draws attention to the relationship between parent and child; the allegorical composition with several figures of father and son represents the relationship between two generations, two methods of learning – indicating that the role of the parent in raising a child is a Sisyphean task.

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, the October Salon Collection and the artist
Purchase Contract: III-5-384/16.11.2016.
Inventory No. 1448
Photo: Milan Kralj

Selected Bibliography:
Gordana Stanišić, O velikim malim ljudima i malim velikim brigama skulptura Marka Crnobrnje, Vujičić Collection, Belgrade, 2019


Marko Crnobrnja (1978, Obrenovac, Serbia) graduated and obtained a master’s degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Sculpture Department, in 2005. Since 2017 he has worked at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. He presents his works at solo and group exhibitions, and they are part of private and museum collections in the country and abroad. He has won various awards in the field of art, including the annual award of the City of Šabac, Ključ grada [Key of the City], for artistic solution in 2015; Third Prize for Design from the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Belgrade in 2014; Award at the Contest for the Official Souvenir of the Republic of Serbia at the SHANGHAI EXPO 2010; Second Prize at the Festival of Light in Ljubljana LAMPATUSH in 2009, etc. A co-founder of the Štap&Kanap Redesign Studio.