Me, You and Everyone We Know
variable dimensions

The work was exhibited as a video installation at the 54th October Salon in 2013.

It is a video animation that describes, through a mind map, the position of male and female artists in the history of art and within the system of power. The animated diagram is constantly moving, illustrating the difficulty of maintaining the position. The work was created as a result of the experience that the artist gained after performing another work titled My Balls, in 2008. In a ritual (guerrilla) gesture, the artist brought animal testicles to the “altar” of a gallery in her hometown – Pristina. Abstract, but at the same time concrete works seem fun at first, but they often point to issues of problems in the system of action, interpretation and various limitations. Haliti thinks about our existence in the midst of constructed inclusions and exclusions.

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, October Salon Collection and the artist
Gift Contract:
Inventory No. 201
Photo: still from the video work

Selected Bibliography:
54th October Salon, No One Belongs Here More Than You. Cultural Centre of Belgrade, 2013


Flaka Haliti (1982, Priština, Kosovo) lives and works between Munich, Pristina and Vienna. Her work is conceptual, based on a combination of different media. Haliti graduated from the Academy of Arts of the University of Pristina in 2006 and continued her education at the Städelschule / Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, in Frankfurt. Her works have been presented at numerous solo and group exhibitions. She is the winner of the First Prize at Agriculture and Banking, organized by Städelschule and Rentenbank.
More information at