DAH Theatre’s theatrical performance, based on texts from Women’s Side of War (Ženska strana rata), a book published by Women in Black (2007). The book is a collection of authentic testimonials given by women on wars fought in former Yugoslavia from 1991 to 1999. It emerged as the final result of a yearlong research by Women in Black, in regional cooperation with women’s non-governmental organisations focusing on human rights and dealing with the past. [2009]

The texts in the book are testimonials, statements, letters, and memories that speak to the specificity of women’s wartime suffering, their courage and determination to overcome war traumas and establish a normal life, as well as the importance of solidarity with women beyond any and all borders and divisions.

All testimonials are in first person, with no comments or other uses or misuses.

A crucial goal of the theatrical performance is to establish a process of dealing with the past. Another important goal is to reach the audience, not only verbally, but emotionally and psychologically, too; to encourage women to speak (out), to note down and to recognise the suffering of “the other” by recognising their own; to develop solidarity and achieve consciousness of the essence of violence in war; and to take a more active role in democratic processes and the construction of a just and permanent peace.

Directed by: Dijana Milošević
Actors: Maja Vujović, Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, Ivana Milenović Popović
Scenography: Neša Paripović
Costumes: Dah Theatre, Centre for Theatrical Research
Sound: Jugoslav Hadžić
Lights: Radomir Stamenković
In-show video production: Boško Prostran
Photography: Milan Petrović
Camera, editing and video production: Života Neimarević


© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, October Salon and the Artist Collection
Mining agreement: III-5-24/01.02.2023
Inventory no: 170
Photo: a square from the film


DAH Theatre
Centre for Researching Culture and Social Change 

DAH Theatre, founded in Belgrade in 1991, is a professional, contemporary theatrical troupe (art collective) that creates socially engaged art by using techniques of contemporary theatre, with the intent to encourage positive societal development, both on a global and a local level. DAH Theatre’s work is based on the theatrical form (methodology) of devising, with theatrical performances and projects a result of a lasting process. Starting from a theme, and working at the intersection of theatre, dancing and visual art, DAH Theatre creates performances with a vision of bringing about a non-violent, tolerant society.
DAH Theatre’s efforts are focused on a constant exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas between artists and participants belonging to various theatrical and national traditions. The Centre creates conditions for the development of directors, actors and other artists in all aspects of theatre. The Centre pays special attention to educating the youth within the contemporary theatrical expression and introduces them to other forms of art.
DAH Theatre’s mission is to create, through dedicated team work, bold theatrical art that provokes, inspires and encourages individual and social transformation.
DAH Theatre’s vision is to inspire and encourage others to actively express critical thought through their own art. Through our opposition to all forms of violence, we aim to stimulate the development of socially engaged, contemporary theatre both in our own society and the world at large.
DAH Theatre’s motto is: “In the contemporary world, creating meaning is the only way to counter destruction and violence.”