Elixir of Transition
variable dimensions (120 cm x 130 cm x 50 cm)

Elixir of Transition was a performative action at the opening of the 45th October Salon, when the author, dressed in a pioneer uniform, served a magic potion to treat the symptoms of transition in the new political system. She was selling the drink at a price of one euro, and it went with a simple recommendation and warning – The drink helps if you drink it in drops but it is very dangerous to drink a whole bottle. Elixir of Transition is a medicine-drink that can bring pleasure or pain, depending on the speed of drinking.

In her earlier work, Antea Arizanović was interested in finding and redefining her identity in the context of ethnicity. In most of her projects, she has dealt with the image of woman in the mass media and how the external view on a woman who does not find a balance between manipulative consumer ideals, her own desire to please and the awareness of the possibility of seeking her integrity without patriarchal shackles. She often uses well-known images from the history of art, religion or pop culture, which are part of the cultural memory of each individual.

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, October Salon Collection and the artist
Gift Contract: III-5-296/29.9.2014.
Inventory No. 1361
Photo: Cultural Centre of Belgrade, installation view 45th October Salon

Selected Bibliography:
45th October Salon, Continental Breakfast. Cultural Centre of Belgrade, 2004


Antea Arizanović-Mutaović (1978, Slovenia, Ljubljana) graduated from the School of Drawing and Painting in Ljubljana, and received her master’s degree in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Since 2001 she has presented her works at solo and group exhibitions in the country and abroad. Her main focus is on the issue of identity and she explores its transformations in various areas. Together with costume designer Jovana Božović, she created the brand Remake Home. She does design and remodelling of antiques. Lives and works in Belgrade.