Big X
acrylic on hardboard
220 cm x 220 cm

At the heart of this great interactive image – jigsaw puzzle, as the artist calls it, are sixteen space segments, one of which is an empty space. The term puzzle itself refers to a multitude of segments that need to be fitted into a whole with the help of one empty space, which allows for movement, moving of all segments as well as the empty space.

He participated in the 47th October Salon in 2006, at the invitation of Art Director René Block.

The Big X belongs to a series of works made in the period 2005-2007. Dimitrijević presents them as part of a project related to social games, a result of his deliberation on the relationship between the viewers and the work of art. In this particular case, this process is a game that consists of constructing and deconstructing – assembling and not assembling, through which the viewer is involved in the creative process.

The game offers enjoyment and the possibility of countless repeats of lost values, but also of discovering new ones. By playing with the pieces of the puzzle (image), we create a new image.

© Cultural Centre of Belgrade, October Salon Collection and the artist
Gift Contract: III-5-291/25.9.2014.
Inventory No. 1352
Photo: Courtesy of the author

Selected Bibliography:
47th October Salon, Art, Life and Confusion. Cultural Centre of Belgrade, 2006
Collection of Serbian Contemporary Art, Telenor Foundation, 2007, p. 70–71.


Aleksandar Dimitrijević (1977, Užice, Serbia) graduated in painting (2004) and received his master’s degree in drawing (2010) from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. He has presented his works at numerous solo and group exhibitions in the country and abroad and won a number of awards. His works are part of many private and public collections. In 2016, he founded the Centre for Visual Artists and in 2017, the Reflektor Gallery in the old barracks in Užice. He has won the Jelena Šantić Award for outstanding results in new cultural practices for the Reflektor Gallery Project. More information at